Administrator Guide 2017
Advanced customer spreadsheets

Customer spreadsheets have fixed items for as outlined in the Creating a customer spreadsheet help.  This page adds advanced techniques for additional items, also referred to as attributes

  1. Create a suitable format for copying items from an existing customer list (eg export to a .csv file and open in Excel) or print/display your list for manual typing.
  2. Download the template spreadsheet and look at the worksheet called Help&Examples for guidance.
  3. Select the worksheet called Customer List.
  4. Type or paste your customer names into column B (marked in purple in the example). 
  5. Type or paste the location names into column J (marked in purple in the example), ensuring that they correspond with the customer name entered in step 4.  If a customer has more than one location, enter them immediately below each other, leaving the customer name blank in column B (refer to examples if required).
  6. Enter other information as required, ensuring that it is in the correct row for the customer/location to which it is related (refer to examples if required).  This is optional and can be amended manually through Setup/Maintenance->Customers at a later date.
  7. Save to a suitable folder on your computer for uploading to magic5 in the next stage - Importing a customer spreadsheet.
  8. Additional items need to be set up in the background (ask technical support) and added to the heading as CustomerAttribute_[name of attribute] or LocationAttribute_[name of attribute] eg
    CustomerAttribute_PaymentTerms or LocationAttribute_County
Hovering over a cell in the top row will give additional information about organising customer information - this may seem quite technical and can be returned to at a later date.

See Also